Lately, it seems Night's mares have been riding me hard at night. I close my eyes, and some new horror awaits me. No, I don't mean Frankenstein's monster, or an Axe Murderer. Those dreams amuse me to no end. I mean psychological terrors. I was drugged and gang raped in one, by someone I considered a friend and his friends. I had quite a few involving the ex, and trying to get answers out of him. The much needed closure. Or at least to vent so I could lance the damn poison he had injected my soul with so I could move the fuck on. However, the mistress was always there interfering, making things worse and worse until I was institutionalized. There was one about Firecrotch. He found me, bound me, and beat me within an inch of my life. He kept me for weeks, inflicting pain, raping, torturing me, making sure I was just this side of being conscience.
I don't know what is wrong with my sub-conscience.. but it hates me.
I hate to dream, I hate when it's a nightmare and I wake up feeling uneasy about my surroundings, and I hate when it's good because I wake up sad it wasn't real. It's just an no win either way!!! :(